Scattered Storms, 2023


With light, with love (2021)

Scattered Storms, 2023

Scattered Storms, 2023

With Light, With Love, 2021. Mixed and found media.

With Light, With Love. 2021. Pine needles, samaras, yellow folders, thread, fishing line, recycled packaging paper, acrylic paint, acrylic mediums, packaging plastic, clear plastic, fabric remnants, thread.

With Light, With Love Detail. 2021.


Split / spilt (2021)

Split / Spilt, 2021. Detail. Photo Credit: Meagan Marsh Pine

CUB Installation (2021)

CUB Installation, 2021. Compton Union Building, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.

With Light, With Love Detail. 2021.

With Light, With Love Detail. 2021.


Split / Spilt, 2021. Fabric, projector, plexiglass, audio. Photo Credit: Meagan Marsh Pine


CUB Installation, 2021. Compton Union Building, Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Suspended Disbelief (2020)

Photo Credit:Meagan Marsh Pine


Photo Credit:Meagan Marsh Pine